BNP Media Buyers Guides and Directories  

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Customer Service:
Renee Schuett
BNP Media

Welcome to BNP Media's directory online updating system.

Current Customers

If you have listed in any of our directories in the past, your account is already set up. Please use your user ID and password to log in on the left. Not sure what your user name & password is? Contact the customer service rep listed on the left.

New Users

If you have never listed with us. Click the "Sign Up" button to the left to create your account and set up a listing. Please do not create a New User account if you have listed with us in the past.

BNP Media Directories & Buyers Guides

BNP Media publishes directories and buyers guides in conjunction with our varied b-2-b publications covering a wide array of industries. Buyers can count on BNP Media's directories to source suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and more of the products and services they need to successfully operate their businesses.